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s-102 But they moved to Okinawa .
s-103 Yes , sometimes .
s-104 how about you ?
s-105 Brazil and Guatemala .
s-106 no , no , no .
s-107 fishes , meats , vegetables , and something like that .
s-108 maybe I will go to United States by job .
s-109 So maybe it will be crowded , I guess .
s-110 And it blew away almost everything of our camping equipment .
s-111 My mom fell off with the sickness .
s-112 So I 'm really nervous right now .
s-113 So could you please exchange the ticket or could you give back the money for me ?
s-114 And when I go to my grandmother house , she feel very happy , so she give me many money .
s-115 I can not tell you about what you can do after that .
s-116 It 's very far from here .
s-117 that was last , maybe .
s-118 It 's OK .
s-119 we were too sleepy .
s-120 Because actually , the place I was living was Indianapolis .
s-121 now , I 'm learning English .
s-122 I do n't have special plans .
s-123 They live slowly and gently in there .
s-124 but if there 's another chance , it would be nice that you could invite me again .
s-125 And before the war , teachers are very prestigious job .
s-126 And it 's very peaceful and quiet place .
s-127 I really appreciate what you doed for me , but , frankly speaking , I can not make it today .
s-128 And from the right , there came a motor cycle .
s-129 number three , we looked menu , and told waitress to my favorite hamburg .
s-130 So I think I can find out now .
s-131 And she always ask me to join them .
s-132 How often watch the movie ?
s-133 But I wanted to buy just tie
s-134 I did n't have any injure .
s-135 That was great .
s-136 Local train .
s-137 the girl using her cell phone .
s-138 But an hour later , it got worse and everything started to blow and we could n't stay here any more .
s-139 And mister policeman came to , and they were explaining what happened there .
s-140 Then I decide the flight .
s-141 And she was eating and seeing a monkey .
s-142 One day last week , that day was raining .
s-143 In comparison with the transportation in Tokyo , for example , the time schedule of bus is not correct .
s-144 I went back to my home town with my wife .
s-145 But recently , we do n't do much .
s-146 I was very hungry , so I immediately ran to the supermarket to buy some foods .
s-147 Because I do n't have to wake up very early in the morning .
s-148 But the waitresses are older lady .
s-149 when wondering a shop , they may assume that this item is what they think they are , but when they bring it home and look through it , sometimes people find out that the quality of that item is not what they had in mind .
s-150 I really like it .
s-151 And it is fifty percent .
s-152 I think so .
s-153 Year , I guess so .
s-154 And the wind got so strong that our tent was blown off .
s-155 And looking at the bright side of it , the whole story , we ended up in a nice hotel room , bright sunshine the next morning with comfortable environment , enjoying tea .
s-156 if my sister is fine because I have no idea in what kind of state she is in right now .
s-157 The door is half open .
s-158 The police man understood the situation .
s-159 Because dog is more honestly than cat do .
s-160 And repetition , you know .
s-161 And , do you know Yurakucho Marion ?
s-162 Thank you very much .
s-163 So I do n't really like buy stuff like I something
s-164 or no .
s-165 I like suits .
s-166 And I was told not to have driver 's license .
s-167 This is the famous Italian restaurant .
s-168 But it was very good .
s-169 Then of course the other person is supposed to be around my car .
s-170 I 'm living there with my wife and my one son .
s-171 So , and I also had to prepare for this test .
s-172 so I can stand there .
s-173 You Charlie ?
s-174 Yeah , it 's very hard to walk around at the zoo , I think .
s-175 And they 're very quick .
s-176 And my daughter .
s-177 because not so cold , not so hot .
s-178 and they said yes ,
s-179 and her persistence has paid off .
s-180 There are students who do n't really pay attention because they do n't really care .
s-181 It 's hard negotiation .
s-182 And smoking .
s-183 and ethnically also it 's really interesting place .
s-184 They just read the textbook and follow the textbook .
s-185 But , when I need time , always holidays come .
s-186 And when they got there , they built a tent and built a fire and started to cook .
s-187 And it was ....
s-188 I will go to the supermarket .
s-189 And my dog .
s-190 I 'd like to take interesting book .
s-191 this is high school , so I do n't think many high school students enjoy math , so I do n't know .
s-192 I have a class right now
s-193 Economy class , OK .
s-194 I have only a ten dollars .
s-195 He was enjoying his drive .
s-196 he is sitting and he is working on a personal computer .
s-197 So it is hard to me to communicate with native people .
s-198 just to the accident so it can not be helped .
s-199 Australia and Beijing and Korea and Moscow and Belgium .
s-200 One day last week , woman in her kitchen looked at her refrigerator to see it was empty .
s-201 And , yes , I think you have scale about for eighty percent to go pass through it .

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