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[1] tree
The country’s unequal economic growth originated in the colonial era and reflects how the Spanish metropolis influenced the establishment of extractive institutions [7].
The country’s unequal economic growth originated in the colonial era and reflects how the Spanish metropolis influenced the establishment of extractive institutions [7].
[2] tree
Argentine politics are therefore highly unstable.
Argentine politics are therefore highly unstable.
[3] tree
Achieving political order would require the government to limit its actions and guarantee the rights of citizensneither of which has yet occurred in Argentina.
Achieving political order would require the government to limit its actions and guarantee the rights of citizens—neither of which has yet occurred in Argentina.
[4] tree
Distant Rhythm: Automatic Enjambment Detection on Four Centuries of Spanish Sonnets
Distant Rhythm: Automatic Enjambment Detection on Four Centuries of Spanish Sonnets
[5] tree
Pablo Ruiz Fabo
Pablo Ruiz Fabo
[6] tree
[7] tree
Lattice Lab, CNRS, France
Lattice Lab, CNRS, France
[8] tree
Clara Martínez Cantón
Clara Martínez Cantón
[9] tree
[10] tree
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain
[11] tree
Thierry Poibeau
Thierry Poibeau
[12] tree
[13] tree
Lattice Lab, CNRS, France
Lattice Lab, CNRS, France
[14] tree
[15] tree
Enjambment takes place when a syntactic unit is broken up across two lines of poetry (Domínguez Caparrós, 2000: 103), giving rise to different stylistic effects (e.g. increased emphasis on elements of the broken-up phrase, or contrast between those elements), or creating double interpretations for the enjambed lines (García-Paje, 1991).
Enjambment takes place when a syntactic unit is broken up across two lines of poetry (Domínguez Caparrós, 2000: 103), giving rise to different stylistic effects (e.g. increased emphasis on elements of the broken-up phrase, or contrast between those elements), or creating double interpretations for the enjambed lines (García-Paje, 1991).
[16] tree
In Spanish poetry, the syntactic configurations under which enjambment takes place have been described extensively, and detailed studies on the use of enjambment by individual authors exist (see Martínez Cantón, 2011 for an overview) including, among others Quilis (1964), Domínguez Caparrós, (2000), Paraíso, (2000), Spang (1983) for a description of enjambment, and Alarcos (1966), Senabre (1982), Luján (2006), Martínez Fernández (2010) for case-studies on a single author.
In Spanish poetry, the syntactic configurations under which enjambment takes place have been described extensively, and detailed studies on the use of enjambment by individual authors exist (see Martínez Cantón, 2011 for an overview) including, among others Quilis (1964), Domínguez Caparrós, (2000), Paraíso, (2000), Spang (1983) for a description of enjambment, and Alarcos (1966), Senabre (1982), Luján (2006), Martínez Fernández (2010) for case-studies on a single author.
[17] tree
However, a larger-scale study to identify enjambment across hundreds of authors spanning several centuries, enabling distant reading (Moretti, 2013), was not previously available.
However, a larger-scale study to identify enjambment across hundreds of authors spanning several centuries, enabling distant reading (Moretti, 2013), was not previously available.
[18] tree
Given that need, we have developed software, based on Natural Language Processing, that automatically identifies enjambment in Spanish, and applied it to a corpus of approx. 3750 sonnets by ca. 1000 authors, from the 15th to the 19th century.
Given that need, we have developed software, based on Natural Language Processing, that automatically identifies enjambment in Spanish, and applied it to a corpus of approx. 3750 sonnets by ca. 1000 authors, from the 15th to the 19th century.
[19] tree
What is the interest of such large-scale automatic analyses of enjambment?
What is the interest of such large-scale automatic analyses of enjambment?
[20] tree
First, the literature shows a debate about which specific syntactic units can be considered to trigger enjambment, if split across two lines, and whether lexical and syntactic criteria are sufficient to identify enjambment.
First, the literature shows a debate about which specific syntactic units can be considered to trigger enjambment, if split across two lines, and whether lexical and syntactic criteria are sufficient to identify enjambment.
[21] tree
Second, the stylistic effects that enjambment permits are also an object of current research (Martínez Fernández, 2010).
Second, the stylistic effects that enjambment permits are also an object of current research (Martínez Fernández, 2010).
[22] tree
Systematically collecting large amounts of enjambment examples provides helpful evidence to assess scholars’ current claims, and may stimulate novel analyses.
Systematically collecting large amounts of enjambment examples provides helpful evidence to assess scholars’ current claims, and may stimulate novel analyses.
[23] tree
Finally, our study complements Navarro’s (2016) automatic metrical analyses of Spanish Golden Age sonnets, by covering a wider period and focusing on enjambment.
Finally, our study complements Navarro’s (2016) automatic metrical analyses of Spanish Golden Age sonnets, by covering a wider period and focusing on enjambment.
[24] tree
The abstract is structured thus:
The abstract is structured thus:
[25] tree
First we provide the definition of enjambment adopted.
First we provide the definition of enjambment adopted.
[26] tree
Then, our corpus and system are described, followed by an evaluation of the system.
Then, our corpus and system are described, followed by an evaluation of the system.
[27] tree
Finally, findings on enjambment in our diachronic sonnet corpus are discussed.
Finally, findings on enjambment in our diachronic sonnet corpus are discussed.
[28] tree
The project’s website provides details omitted here for space reasons, including samples for the corpus, results, and other details.
The project’s website provides details omitted here for space reasons, including samples for the corpus, results, and other details.
[29] tree
Enjambment in Spanish
Enjambment in Spanish
[30] tree
Syntactic and metrical units often match in poetry.
Syntactic and metrical units often match in poetry.
[31] tree
However, this trend has been broken since antiquity for various reasons (Parry (1929) on Homer, or Flores Gómez (1988) on early classical poetry).
However, this trend has been broken since antiquity for various reasons (Parry (1929) on Homer, or Flores Gómez (1988) on early classical poetry).
[32] tree
In Spanish tradition, enjambment (in Spanish, 'encabalgamiento') is considered to take place when a pause suggested by poetic form (e.g. at the end of a line or across hemistichs) occurs between strongly connected lexical or syntactic units, triggering an unnatural cut between those units.
In Spanish tradition, enjambment (in Spanish, 'encabalgamiento') is considered to take place when a pause suggested by poetic form (e.g. at the end of a line or across hemistichs) occurs between strongly connected lexical or syntactic units, triggering an unnatural cut between those units.
[33] tree
Quilis (1964) performed poetry reading experiments, proposing that the following strongly connected elements give rise to enjambment, should a poetic-form pause break them up:
Quilis (1964) performed poetry reading experiments, proposing that the following strongly connected elements give rise to enjambment, should a poetic-form pause break them up:
[34] tree
Lexical enjambment: Breaking up a word.
Lexical enjambment: Breaking up a word.
[35] tree
We translated 'lexical enjambment' from Quilis’s terms 'encabalgamiento léxico' or 'tmesis'.
We translated 'lexical enjambment' from Quilis’s terms 'encabalgamiento léxico' or 'tmesis'.
[36] tree
Phrase-bounded enjambment: Within a phrase, breaking up sequences like 'noun + adjective', 'verb + adverb', 'auxiliary verb + main verb', among others.
Phrase-bounded enjambment: Within a phrase, breaking up sequences like 'noun + adjective', 'verb + adverb', 'auxiliary verb + main verb', among others.
[37] tree
We translated 'phrase-bounded enjambment' from 'encabalgamiento sirremático'.
We translated 'phrase-bounded enjambment' from 'encabalgamiento sirremático'.
[38] tree
Cross-clause enjambment: Between a noun antecedent and the pronoun heading the relative clause that complements the antecedent.
Cross-clause enjambment: Between a noun antecedent and the pronoun heading the relative clause that complements the antecedent.
[39] tree
We translated 'cross-clause enjambment' from Quilis’s 'encabalgamiento oracional'.
We translated 'cross-clause enjambment' from Quilis’s 'encabalgamiento oracional'.
[40] tree
The project site includes Quilis’s complete list of syntactic environments that can trigger enjambment, as well as the types identified by our system.
The project site includes Quilis’s complete list of syntactic environments that can trigger enjambment, as well as the types identified by our system.
[41] tree
Besides the enjambment types above, Spang (1983) noted that if a subject or direct object and their related verbs occur in two different lines of poetry, this can also feel unusual for a reader, even if the effect is less pronounced than in the environments identified by Quilis.
Besides the enjambment types above, Spang (1983) noted that if a subject or direct object and their related verbs occur in two different lines of poetry, this can also feel unusual for a reader, even if the effect is less pronounced than in the environments identified by Quilis.
[42] tree
To differentiate these cases from enjambment proper, Spang calls these cases 'enlace', translated here as 'expansion'.
To differentiate these cases from enjambment proper, Spang calls these cases 'enlace', translated here as 'expansion'.
[43] tree
Quilis (1964) was the only author so far to gather recitation-based experimental evidence on enjambment.
Quilis (1964) was the only author so far to gather recitation-based experimental evidence on enjambment.
[44] tree
His typology is still considered current, and was adopted by later authors, although complementary enjambment typologies have been proposed, as Martínez Cantón (2011) reviews.
His typology is still considered current, and was adopted by later authors, although complementary enjambment typologies have been proposed, as Martínez Cantón (2011) reviews.
[45] tree
Our system identifies Quilis’ types, besides Spang’s expansion cases.
Our system identifies Quilis’ types, besides Spang’s expansion cases.
[46] tree
Epistemic pollution
Epistemic pollution
[47] tree
Agents can rationally choose between experts only if the criteria that distinguish genuine experts from charlatans are common sense or widely known:
Agents can rationally choose between experts only if the criteria that distinguish genuine experts from charlatans are common sense or widely known:
[48] tree
if agents are to satisfy the epistemic conditions on responsibility, they must know what kinds of knowledge they must utilize to guide their selection of sources (on pain of infinite regress).
if agents are to satisfy the epistemic conditions on responsibility, they must know what kinds of knowledge they must utilize to guide their selection of sources (on pain of infinite regress).
[49] tree
In fact, many, if not all, the markers of expertise identified by philosophers enjoy widespread recognition.
In fact, many, if not all, the markers of expertise identified by philosophers enjoy widespread recognition.
[50] tree
The fact that these criteria are widely known, however, offers an opportunity to those who would use them for deception, witting or unwitting.
The fact that these criteria are widely known, however, offers an opportunity to those who would use them for deception, witting or unwitting.
[51] tree
Since expertise must be assessed through indirect markers, to mimic the markers of expertise is to mimic expertise [17].
Since expertise must be assessed through indirect markers, to mimic the markers of expertise is to mimic expertise [17].
[52] tree
We live in an epistemic environment that is heavily and deliberately polluted by agents who use mimicry and other methods as a means of inflating their pretense to expertise.
We live in an epistemic environment that is heavily and deliberately polluted by agents who use mimicry and other methods as a means of inflating their pretense to expertise.
[53] tree
This fact, together with the fact that such deception is widely known to occur, reduces ordinary people’s trust in expert authority and diminishes their capacity to distinguish reliable from unreliable sources.
This fact, together with the fact that such deception is widely known to occur, reduces ordinary people’s trust in expert authority and diminishes their capacity to distinguish reliable from unreliable sources.
[54] tree
For instance, those with an interest in deceiving the general public may set up parallel institutions that ostensibly guarantee expertise, taking advantage of the ways in which these parallel institutions mimic legitimate institutions to ensure that people are taken in.
For instance, those with an interest in deceiving the general public may set up parallel institutions that ostensibly guarantee expertise, taking advantage of the ways in which these parallel institutions mimic legitimate institutions to ensure that people are taken in.
[55] tree
There are some egregious examples of this practice in the field of health care.
There are some egregious examples of this practice in the field of health care.
[56] tree
For example, a small number of doctors set up the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) to advocate socially conservative viewpoints related to child health care.
For example, a small number of doctors set up the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) to advocate socially conservative viewpoints related to child health care.
[57] tree
Such an organization is surely permissible, but it has had the unfortunate (and likely intended) effect of muddying debates in the public forum by misleading people into thinking that the college speaks for the pediatric profession at large.
Such an organization is surely permissible, but it has had the unfortunate (and likely intended) effect of muddying debates in the public forum by misleading people into thinking that the college speaks for the pediatric profession at large.
[58] tree
Thus, when ACPeds issued a statement condemning gender reassignment surgery in 2016 [21], many people mistook the organization’s political beliefs for the consensus view among United States pediatricians although the peak body for pediatric workers, the American Academy of Pediatrics, has a much more positive view of gender dysphoria [22].
Thus, when ACPeds issued a statement condemning gender reassignment surgery in 2016 [21], many people mistook the organization’s political beliefs for the consensus view among United States pediatricians — although the peak body for pediatric workers, the American Academy of Pediatrics, has a much more positive view of gender dysphoria [22].
[59] tree
Insofar as the larger organization, with a broader membership base, can be expected to reflect a wider range of expert opinions and a higher degree of expertise, it is reasonable to give its views greater weight than those of the smaller organization.
Insofar as the larger organization, with a broader membership base, can be expected to reflect a wider range of expert opinions and a higher degree of expertise, it is reasonable to give its views greater weight than those of the smaller organization.
[60] tree
When ACPeds allows or encourages the impression that it speaks for the profession, it introduces an epistemic pollutant.
When ACPeds allows or encourages the impression that it speaks for the profession, it introduces an epistemic pollutant.
[61] tree
A yet more egregious example of such pollution involved collaborative efforts by pharmaceutical companies and the publishing giant Elsevier to produce publications mimicking peer-reviewed journals in the interest of promoting the companies’ commercial products [23].
A yet more egregious example of such pollution involved collaborative efforts by pharmaceutical companies and the publishing giant Elsevier to produce publications mimicking peer-reviewed journals in the interest of promoting the companies’ commercial products [23].
[62] tree
The companies hoped to leverage the prestige of Elsevier with these fake journals to endow their promotional research with an air of reliability.
The companies hoped to leverage the prestige of Elsevier with these fake journals to endow their promotional “research” with an air of reliability.
[63] tree
When the deceit was uncovered, however, the effect was just the opposite:
When the deceit was uncovered, however, the effect was just the opposite:
[64] tree
the legitimacy of the published findings was not enhanced through their publication by Elsevier, but rather the legitimacy of Elsevier’s publications and, by extension, all academic journals was diminished through their dissemination of deceptive and commercially interested research.
the legitimacy of the published findings was not enhanced through their publication by Elsevier, but rather the legitimacy of Elsevier’s publications — and, by extension, all academic journals — was diminished through their dissemination of deceptive and commercially interested research.
[65] tree
More recently, institutions of academic expertise have been subject to a large and growing outbreak of so-called predatory journals journals that will publish almost anything for a fee.
More recently, institutions of academic expertise have been subject to a large and growing outbreak of so-called predatory journals — journals that will publish almost anything for a fee.
[66] tree
Once again, this phenomenon has the effect of making peer-reviewed journals appear less legitimate.
Once again, this phenomenon has the effect of making peer-reviewed journals appear less legitimate.
[67] tree
At times, even those who work in academia may be unsure of a particular journal’s legitimacy, and there are genuine borderline cases.
At times, even those who work in academia may be unsure of a particular journal’s legitimacy, and there are genuine borderline cases.
[68] tree
For example, the Frontiers contingent of journals appears legitimate at least to me despite the fact that authors are expected to pay a publication fee. 8
For example, the Frontiers contingent of journals appears legitimate — at least to me — despite the fact that authors are expected to pay a publication fee. 8
[69] tree
Yet some Frontiers journals appear to have engaged in bad behavior, whether for profit or for some other motive.
Yet some Frontiers journals appear to have engaged in bad behavior, whether for profit or for some other motive.
[70] tree
Frontiers in Public Health controversially published articles linking vaccines and autism [24] and questioning the link between HIV and AIDS [25].
Frontiers in Public Health controversially published articles linking vaccines and autism [24] and questioning the link between HIV and AIDS [25].
[71] tree
Whether due to this behavior or not, Jeffrey Beall decided to add the publisher to his influential (but now sadly unavailable) list of questionable journals [26].
Whether due to this behavior or not, Jeffrey Beall decided to add the publisher to his influential (but now sadly unavailable) list of questionable journals [26].
[72] tree
The controversy surrounding Beall’s decision indicates how difficult it is to make such judgments even for professionals.
The controversy surrounding Beall’s decision indicates how difficult it is to make such judgments — even for professionals.
[73] tree
If academics with expertise in relevant fields have difficulty assessing whether particular journals or particular publishers are legitimate, one cannot reasonably expect ordinary people to make such judgments.
If academics with expertise in relevant fields have difficulty assessing whether particular journals or particular publishers are legitimate, one cannot reasonably expect ordinary people to make such judgments.
[74] tree
If their confidence in scientific findings is lowered across the board as the result of such epistemic pollution, one can hardly blame them.
If their confidence in scientific findings is lowered across the board as the result of such epistemic pollution, one can hardly blame them.
[75] tree
Since conflicts of interest are a reason to discount expertise, it is incumbent on me to note that I have published in Frontiers journals on several occasions.
Since conflicts of interest are a reason to discount expertise, it is incumbent on me to note that I have published in Frontiers journals on several occasions.
[76] tree
Epistemic pollution may stem not only from counterfeit institutions of knowledge production but also from bad behavior by legitimate institutions. 9
Epistemic pollution may stem not only from counterfeit institutions of knowledge production but also from bad behavior by legitimate institutions. 9
[77] tree
For example, pollution may result from attempts to game the systems put in place to track expertise.
For example, pollution may result from attempts to game the systems put in place to track expertise.
[78] tree
Consider institutions with a credentialing function, such as universities, bar associations, or peer review bodies.
Consider institutions with a credentialing function, such as universities, bar associations, or peer review bodies.
[79] tree
These institutions do not exist solely to credential experts.
These institutions do not exist solely to credential experts.
[80] tree
They have other functions, and these functions may come into conflict, creating pressures to inflate credentials.
They have other functions, and these functions may come into conflict, creating pressures to inflate credentials.
[81] tree
For example, universities have a financial incentive to inflate the expertise of their academic staff, thereby increasing their rankings, bringing in grant money, and attracting students.
For example, universities have a financial incentive to inflate the expertise of their academic staff, thereby increasing their rankings, bringing in grant money, and attracting students.
[82] tree
Systems that assess expertise can be manipulated, and many cases of such manipulation exist take the recent example by the University of Malaysia, which attempted to boost metrics by urging its faculty to cite one another [28].
Systems that assess expertise can be manipulated, and many cases of such manipulation exist — take the recent example by the University of Malaysia, which attempted to boost metrics by urging its faculty to cite one another [28].
[83] tree
For this reason, institutions may also be slow to investigate accusations of fraud, and they may try to keep their discoveries in-house to protect their reputations.
For this reason, institutions may also be slow to investigate accusations of fraud, and they may try to keep their discoveries in-house to protect their reputations.
[84] tree
The Use of Cognitive Digital Games in School:
The Use of Cognitive Digital Games in School:
[85] tree
Contributions to Attention
Contributions to Attention
[86] tree
Daniela Karine Ramos Universidade Federal de Santa Catarin
Daniela Karine Ramos Universidade Federal de Santa Catarin
[87] tree
Bruna Anastacio Universidade Federal de Santa Catarin
Bruna Anastacio Universidade Federal de Santa Catarin
[88] tree
Cognitive games involve a number of different games working aspects of human cognition, while proposing the intersection between the sets of concepts, fun and cognition, for the improvement of cognitive functions.
Cognitive games involve a number of different games working aspects of human cognition, while proposing the intersection between the sets of concepts, fun and cognition, for the improvement of cognitive functions.
[89] tree
The attention is the main point made in this study, since it is fundamental to the learning process and be recurring complaint among parents and teachers in schools.
The attention is the main point made in this study, since it is fundamental to the learning process and be recurring complaint among parents and teachers in schools.
[90] tree
With respect to the contributions of digital games to improvement of cognitive processes, researchers suggest that regular practice has a significant influence on improving the performance related to basic visual skills (Li, Polat, Scalzo, & Bavelier, 2010); on the ability to perceive objects simultaneously (Dye & Bavelier, 2010; Feng, Spence, & Pratt, 2007); and on the ability to do more than one task at the same time (Boot, Kramer, Simons, Fabiani, & Gratton, 2008).
With respect to the contributions of digital games to improvement of cognitive processes, researchers suggest that regular practice has a significant influence on improving the performance related to basic visual skills (Li, Polat, Scalzo, & Bavelier, 2010); on the ability to perceive objects simultaneously (Dye & Bavelier, 2010; Feng, Spence, & Pratt, 2007); and on the ability to do more than one task at the same time (Boot, Kramer, Simons, Fabiani, & Gratton, 2008).
[91] tree
Other studies specifically investigate the use of digital games in the school context and suggest potential for digital game use to improve of student's attention span at preschool age (Rueda, Checa, & Cómbita, 2012), to improve overall intelligence capacity of elementary school children (Miller & Robertson, 2010), and to better performance of working memory ability (Klingberg et al., 2005; Thorell, Lindqvist, Nutley, Bohlin, & Klingberg, 2009).
Other studies specifically investigate the use of digital games in the school context and suggest potential for digital game use to improve of student's attention span at preschool age (Rueda, Checa, & Cómbita, 2012), to improve overall intelligence capacity of elementary school children (Miller & Robertson, 2010), and to better performance of working memory ability (Klingberg et al., 2005; Thorell, Lindqvist, Nutley, Bohlin, & Klingberg, 2009).
[92] tree
Considering the importance of the proper functioning of attention, because of its involvement in the regulation of thoughts and emotions, maintaining the performance of this process is very important, especially in school, where the child must acquire content in an environment full of countless distractors.
Considering the importance of the proper functioning of attention, because of its involvement in the regulation of thoughts and emotions, maintaining the performance of this process is very important, especially in school, where the child must acquire content in an environment full of countless distractors.
[93] tree
The study in question focuses on the attention, proposing and evaluation in the context of the classroom.
The study in question focuses on the attention, proposing and evaluation in the context of the classroom.
[94] tree
Thus, it suggests the use of digital games in an integrated way the school activities in the classroom.
Thus, it suggests the use of digital games in an integrated way the school activities in the classroom.
[95] tree
The games have features like increasing challenges, rules that establish what can and cannot be done, and involvement of the player in the quest to gain skills and win the game (Kirriemuir & McFarlane, 2004; Prensky, 2005).
The games have features like increasing challenges, rules that establish what can and cannot be done, and involvement of the player in the quest to gain skills and win the game (Kirriemuir & McFarlane, 2004; Prensky, 2005).
[96] tree
We aim to investigate the contributions of the use of a system that integrates cognitive digital games to a database, of the Escola do Cérebro, for monitoring and improvement of cognitive skills, highlighting the attention.
We aim to investigate the contributions of the use of a system that integrates cognitive digital games to a database, of the Escola do Cérebro, for monitoring and improvement of cognitive skills, highlighting the attention.
[97] tree
The games involve challenges and rules involving the exercise of cognitive functions, especially the working memory, attention and capacity of solving problems.
The games involve challenges and rules involving the exercise of cognitive functions, especially the working memory, attention and capacity of solving problems.
[98] tree
The study combines qualitative and quantitative approaches.
The study combines qualitative and quantitative approaches.
[99] tree
It collects the data based on the observation of the proposed interventions as well as interviews conducted with participating teachers and students to identify their perceptions of digital games’ contributions to the learning process.
It collects the data based on the observation of the proposed interventions as well as interviews conducted with participating teachers and students to identify their perceptions of digital games’ contributions to the learning process.
[100] tree
Furthermore, before and after the implementation of the intervention, we performed a D2 Test of attention that measures selective and sustained attention, as well as visual scanning accuracy and speed.
Furthermore, before and after the implementation of the intervention, we performed a D2 Test of attention that measures selective and sustained attention, as well as visual scanning accuracy and speed.

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