
Universal Dependencies - English - LinES

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AnnotationAhrenberg, Lars

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You can only import a single document at a time into Access. The data must be in a format that Access recognizes, either in a native format or through the use of a schema. Note that when importing XML data, you can not choose a subset of the XML document; the entire file has to be imported. You can transform the native XML data into a specific Access format by choosing from the options in the Import XML dialog box. You can also specify whether to overwrite any existing tables or append to existing data. What are XML schemas You use XML schemas to describe the structure of data in a common format that customers, other Web browsers, and any number of XML-enabled software programs can recognize. Specifically, schemas define the rules of an XML data document, including element names and data types, which elements can appear in combination, and which attributes are available for each element. Schemas provide a model for an XML data document which defines the arrangement of tags and text within all documents referencing the schema. Access supports the XML Schema standard (XSD). XSD is a proposed World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard designed as a basic infrastructure for describing the type and structure of XML documents.

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