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Universal Dependencies - English - GUM

Corpus Parttrain
AnnotationPeng, Siyao;Zeldes, Amir

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Showing 101 - 200 of 131 • previous

s-101 Guys this is harder than I thought.
s-102 I can't remember when I bought things.
s-103 It's not looking good though.
s-104 It's all like super separated.
s-105 I don't like how that looks.
s-106 Expired!
s-107 Oh so this is interesting.
s-108 Black Up actually has twenty four months of shelf life for their lip pencils which is really really good.
s-109 That's two years.
s-110 But is that actually good?
s-111 Does that mean that this is chocked full of preservatives?
s-112 That's like not healthy for you?
s-113 I don't know!
s-114 But I've definitely had this for more than two years.
s-115 Expired.
s-116 This blue lipstick is definitely old.
s-117 Definitely old.
s-118 I don't know if you can actually tell by looking at it but she's old.
s-119 Let's see what the shelf life is.
s-120 That's interesting.
s-121 The Urban Decay does not have a shelf life on the actual stick.
s-122 So you know how lipsticks usually come in packaging?
s-123 It usually comes in that little box?
s-124 I'm thinking that maybe Dose of Colors and Urban Decay have the shelf life printed on those boxes but who keeps their lipsticks in a box?
s-125 Like how do I know now if this is expired or not?
s-126 I've definitely had this over two years though so I'm just gonna go ahead and throw it in the expired pile.
s-127 I feel like two years is kind of the limit that I've seen so far.
s-128 This has a shelf life of six months!
s-129 Expired.
s-130 So this is the throw out slash expired pile.
s-131 This is the I don't know what to do with it pile, but I think these are all the Dose of Colors lipsticks that I know I've had for at least over two years.

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