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AnnotationAhrenberg, Lars

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s-103 Let me begin by saying that I do not intend to talk about my own report.
s-104 Notwithstanding this, we shall certainly consider the suggestions put forward by the Socialist Group.
s-105 The first concerns the proposal that would prevent political groups being formed of Members from one country only.
s-106 The second issue is that of incentives.
s-107 I believe it is workable, though it may be somewhat complicated.
s-108 I am no fanatical defender of profits for pharmaceutical industry multinationals.
s-109 We support Professor Cabrol's attempt to get things moving and put the uncertainties behind us.
s-110 Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, the present proposal for a regulation is certainly to be welcomed.
s-111 of course we can do so directly through support for research, and we shall continue to do so in future.
s-112 But we also want to create a range of additional incentives, for instance through the ten-year market exclusivity right.
s-113 The Member States would have to do so.
s-114 I am very glad that some Members also spoke in favour of a special committee, during the debate.
s-115 But then you must remember the aim of our proposal.
s-116 That is why we want to support research rather than make it more difficult.
s-117 We believe that is a risk we should not necessarily take on.
s-118 For by definition an orphan drug is precisely a drug that offers very limited prospects of making a profit.

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