Geolog Inggris John Michell kanthi kapisah ugi manggihaken timbangan puntir ing taun 1750, nanging piyambakipun gagal migunakaken kangge ngukur medan daya tarik bumi.
British geologist John Michell separately also discovered torsional scales in 1750, but he failed to use them to measure the earth’s gravitational field.
Rudal punika ugi gadhah kemampuan nyergap sasaranipun saking sedaya arah (all-aspect), ing sedaya cuaca (all-weather) sarta ing tengah pengacauan elektronis (jamming).
The missile also has the ability to ambush its target from all directions (all-aspect), in all weather (all-weather) and in the midst of electronic jamming (jamming).
Nanging, pidhato tanggel jawab punika dipuntolak malih lan akhiripun dipunputusaken biih ing tanggal 7 Maret 1967 badhe dipunadani Sidang Istimewa MPRS.
However, the accountability speech was rejected again and it was finally decided that on March 7, 1967 a special session of the MPRS would be held.
Dados ing dalu punika 3 rookie dipuneliminasi, kaliyan Skip Sheffield dipuneliminasi amargi ing pertandhingan pro, urutane sing pungkasan pertandhingan iku.
So that night 3 rookies were eliminated, with Skip Sheffield getting knocked out because in the pro vote, his ranking was last in that election.
Jamaika pungkasan oleh panggonan semifinalis taun 2004, Ukraina pungkasan oleh panggonan semifinalis taun 2007, Meksiko, Rusia lan Kolombia pungkasan oleh panggonan semifinalis taun 2008.
Jamaica last reached semi-finals in 2004 Ukraine last reached semi-finals in 2007 Mexico, Russia and Colombia last reached semi-finals in 2008.
Perusahaan Dodge Bersaudara pun ngerembag sukses amargi kualitasipun sae , lan perusahaan punika enggal dados perusahaan ingkang penjualanipun ageng ing pasar AS taun 1916.
The Dodge brothers also enjoyed success due to their good quality, and the company soon became a major selling company in the US market in 1916.
Bab iki isa dideleng ing toko-toko IKEA lan ing kataloge, marakake pitakonan kaya: 'Kena apa IKEA ngadol tanpa ngrakit?' utawa 'Kena apa IKEA nggawe akeh-akehan?' utawa 'Kena apa ora biyasa?'.
This can be seen in IKEA stores and in catalogs, forming questions such as: 'Why does IKEA sell unassembled?' or 'Why does IKEA make so much?' or “Why not get used to it?”.
Wiwit lair ing pungkasan taun 2006 Fakultas ing Universitas Hasanuddin nambah 1 wujud pamekaran saka Fakultas Pertanian lan Kehutanan yaiku Fakultas Kehutanan.
Since its birth at the end of 2006 the Faculty at Hasanuddin University has added one form of development to the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, namely the Faculty of Forestry.
Asma 'GESTAPO' (pertama kali dipunsebat 'GESTAPA') wiwit populer saksampune pimpinanipun dipunjabat dening Hermann Göring, (Panglima 'Luftwaffe', Angkatan Udara Jerman) taun 1934.
the name of 'GESTAPO' (first referred to as 'GESTAPA') was popular with leadership by Hermann Göring, (Commander of 'Luftwaffe', German Air Force) in 1934.
LMU wekdal punika gadhah 36 fasilitas akademis, atletik, administratif lan acara saliyane 12 gedhong perumahan mahasiswa lan 6 kompleks apartemen ing area kampus.
LMU currently has 36 academic, athletic, administrative and events facilities in addition to 12 student housing buildings and 6 apartment complexes on campus.
Presidhen Abraham Lincoln kapilih malih ing taun 1864, ing tengah-tengah kamenangan militer Amerika Sarekat ingkang njalarake pungkasaning Perang Sadherek.
President Abraham Lincoln was re-elected in 1864, amid the military victories of the United States that led to the end of the Civil War.
Ing taun 1882, kulawarga punika kapanggih kaliyan seorang vikaris lokal, Canon Hardwicke Rawnsley, ingkang kuwatos sanget babagan efek indhustri lan turisme ing Distrik Lake.
In 1882, the family met a local pastor, Canon Hardwicke Rawnsley, who was very concerned about the impact of industry and tourism on the Lake District.
Nganti pertengahan 1986 bae, AS wis sumadya dana ora kurang sak milyar dollar (aji nalika iku) nganti nggawa implikasi ing tingkat pulitik antarane Washington karo Tel-Aviv.
By mid-1986 alone, the US had provided no less than a billion dollars (aji at the time) to carry out implications at the political level between Washington and Tel-Aviv.
Taun 1998, Agum olih gelar master saka American World University, salah sawijining organisasi kang dilarang beroperasi karo Dikti Depdiknas ing taun 2005 kerana kasus adol gelar.
In 1998, Agum received a master's degree from American World University, an organization that was banned from operating with the Ministry of National Education in 2005 due to a degree sale case.
Piyambakipun salah satunggaling tiyang buruh pelabuhan, tukang watu, lan akuntan antawis taun 1922-1924, nanging kadang kala piyambakipun ugi ndherek mendhet perangan wonten ing 'seminari' penulis.
He was a porter, mason, and accountant between 1922-1924, but occasionally he also took part in writer's 'seminary'.
Standar bus PCI punika pangembanganipun dening konsorsium PCI Special Interest Group ingkang dipundhapuk dening Intel Corporation lan perusahaan sanesipun nalika taun 1992.
The PCI bus standard was developed by the PCI Special Interest Groups consortium founded by Intel Corporation and other companies in 1992.
Permainan kibor kang dadi suara khas The Doors asalipun saka organ combo Vox Continental kang uga minangka akeh grup rock psychedelic ing era mau.
The keyboard playing that became the distinctive sound of The Doors came from the Vox Continental combo organ which was also a lot of psychedelic rock groups in that era.
Wolfson ngendikan manawi 'bilih satunggaling Jewish Encyclopedia ing basa modern dipunrencanakaken kawiwitan ing wanci punika , mila pilihan punika tiba ing basa Inggris.
Wolfson said that “if the Jewish Encyclopedia in modern languages was planned in advance at this time, the choice fell on English.
Piyambakipun nggayuh kalungguhan minangka presidhen ing taun 2001 ngelampahi kudeta boten rahan ingkang dipunsebat Revolusi EDSA II ingkang nggulingaken Presidhen Joseph Estrada ing tengah-tengah tuduhan korupsi.
He took office as president in 2001 after a bloodless coup called the EDSA II Revolution that toppled President Joseph Estrada amid allegations of corruption.
Pamaburan kapisanan ing tanggal 23 November 1987 saka plataran Calverton Grumman lan prototipe pungkasan nglakokae penerbangan ing tanggal 9 Februari 1990.
The first flight took place on November 23, 1987 from the Calverton Grumman yard and the final prototype took flight on February 9, 1990.
Vesta wujud sabuk asteroid paling utami ingkang kadang-kala ketingal tanpa piranti tambahan (ing saperangan kadadosan ingkang cekap langka, asteroid ingkang cedhak kaliyan bumi saged ketingal tanpa bantuan teknis; pirsani 99942 Apophis).
Vesta is the most prominent asteroid belt sometimes visible to the naked eye (in some fairly rare cases, asteroids close to Earth can be seen without technical assistance; see 99942 Apophis).
Bronx entuk akeh arus imigran Irlandia, Jerman, Yahudi lan Italia sawise pedunungan pedesaane meledak antawis pertengahan abad kaping 19 lan 20.
The Bronx received a large influx of Irish, German, Jewish, and Italian immigrants after its rural population exploded between the mid-19th and 20th centuries.
Sharapova nggayuh gelar sepindhaipun nalika taun 2006 lan gelar kaping 11 ing kariripun ing turnamen Tier 1, Pacific Life Open ing Indian Wells, California ing pundi panjenenganipun dados unggulan kaping 3.
Sharapova won her first title in 2006 and her 11th career title at the Tier 1, Pacific Life Open tournament in Indian Wells, California where she was seeded 3rd.
Rancangan ning mburi Virus Flu Burung, Amerika Sarekat lan organisasi WHO sekuthon ngrembakakake senjata biologis kanthi nggunakake virus flu burung.
The plan Behind the Avian Influenza Virus The United States and the WHO organization conspired to develop biological weapons to use the avian influenza virus.
Ing balapan salajengipun ing Italia, Force India punika cetak poin kaliyan finish P4 nglampahi Adrian Sutil, ingkang ugi nyerat lap tercepat ing wanci lomba.
In the next race in Italy, Force India scored points by finishing P4 through Adrian Sutil who also recorded the fastest lap in the race.
Manawi adhi lanang Potter, Bertram, awis sanget wonten ing griya; piyambakipun dipunsekolahaken ing sekolah asrama, pramila Beatrix namung piyambakan sareng kaliyan kewan ingah-ingahipun.
If Potter's younger brother, Bertram, was very rarely at home; he was raised in a boarding school, so Beatrix was alone with her pet.
Kanthi beasiswa, dheweke manggon ing Amerika Sarekat, sinau lan entuk gelar Master saka American University, Washington DC, Jurusan Komunikasi Internasional, taun 1982.
With a scholarship, he settled in the United States, studied and obtained his Master's degree from American University, Washington DC, Department of International Communication, in 1982.
Bageyane badan kang paling kerep kena akibate yaiku: kulit (80–90%), saluran napas (70%), saluran cerna (30–45%), jantung lan pembuluh getih (10–45%), lan sistem syaraf pusat (10–15%).
The most commonly affected body parts are: skin (80-90%), respiratory tract (70%), gastrointestinal tract (30-45%), heart and blood vessels (10-45%), and central nervous system (10-45%). 15%).
Tokyo (東京; Tōkyō, harafiah: ibukitha wetan) punika ibukitha Jepang sisan tlatah ingkang paling padhet ing Jepang, sarta laladan metropolitan paling ageng ing donya dipuntingal saking cacah padunungipun (33.750.000 ing kitha lan tlatah saubengipun).
Tokyo (東京; Tōkyō, literally: eastern capital) is the most populous remaining capital city in Japan, and the largest metropolitan area in the world in terms of population (33,750,000 in the city and beyond).
Ing Oktober 2010, Otoritas Palestina nyekel dheweke amarga diduga ngolok-olok marang Islam ing Facebook lan ing postingan blog; Penangkapane entuk perhatian internasional.
In October 2010, the Palestinian Authority arrested him for allegedly insulting Islam on Facebook and in blog posts; His arrest received international attention.
Album studhio kang kapapat, Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends (2008), diprodhuksi dening Brian Eno lan entuk komentar positif uga entuk sawetara nominasi Grammy Award lan menang ing 51st Grammy Awards.
His fourth studio album, Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends (2008), was co-produced with Brian Eno and to his positive comments was also nominated for a Grammy Award and won the 51st Grammy Awards.
Ing pertengahan akir 1990an, prakara kaya I Love Lucy, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, lan prakara kang saiki ditayangake ing TV Land biteen ditayangake ing Nick at Nite.
In the mid-to-late 1990s, shows such as I Love Lucy, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, and the now-airing show Land Biteen aired on Nick at Nite.
Tembang kondhang teranyare, 'Kawa no Nagare no yōni' asring dipunbeta dening artis-artis ingkang misuwur lan orkestra, kalebet The Three Tenors lan Teresa Teng.
His latest hit, “Kawa no Nagare no yōni” is often performed by well-known artists and orchestras, including The Three Tenors and Teresa Teng.
Lokasi awal pambangunan masjid yaiku ing pinggir Kali Martapura, banjur sasampune masjid iki dipindahake ing dalan Masjid kalurahan Antasan Kecil Timur, Kota Banjarmasin ing taun 1934.
The initial location for the construction of the mosque was on the banks of the Martapura River, then after the mosque was moved to street Masjid Al Antas Kecil Timur, Banjarmasin City in 1934.
Dening lembaga misi lan basa Amerika Sarekat ingkang dipunsebat Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL), suku punika dipunlebetaken ing pamerangan 14 suku paling terasing.
By the United States language and mission agency called the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL), this tribe is listed among the 14 most remote tribes.
Piyambakipun angsal Bebungah Nobel Bedhamen nalika taun 1909 dados pendhiri sarta presidhen kelompok arbitrase parlemen Perancis ugi komite pertahanan kepentingan nasional lan arbitrase internasional.
He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1909 as founder and president of the French parliamentary arbitration group as well as the defense of national interests and international arbitration committees.
Tantangan tuan rumah ana ing tangan Liam Broady, sing menangake turnamen Grade 1; AEGON Junior International 2011, sing dianakake ing Roehampton seminggu sedurung dimelaie Wimbledon.
The host's challenge rests with Liam Broady, who won the class 1 tournament; AEGON Junior International 2011, held in Roehampton the week before Wimbledon.
Aznavour njabat anggota dewan pembina Armenia Fund International sing wis menehi punjul US$150 yuta wiwit taun 1992 ing wujud dana bantuan kemanusiaan lan pembangunan infrastruktur ing Armenia.
Aznavour serves on the board of directors of the Armenia Fund International, which has provided more than US$150 million since 1992 in humanitarian aid and infrastructure development funds in Armenia.
Taun 2011 ana kira-kira 130 – 150 sapi, 70 nganti 80 antarane wujud sapi babon kang bisa diperes susune, sisane sapi cilik-cilik sarta 3 sapi lanangan.
In 2011 there were about 130-150 cows, 70-80 of them were dairy cows, the rest were small cows and 3 bulls.
Wonten ing taun 1986 kekalihipun nyumbang 40 juta dollar AS kangge yasa griya sakit anak ingkang lajeng dipunkenal minangka Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital ing Universitas Stanford.
In 1986 they both donated $40 million to build the children's hospital that became known as the Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford University.
Piyambakipun nate dados Presidhen Press Foundation of Asia, anggota Dewan Pimpinan International Association for Cultural Freedom (organisasi CIA), lan anggota Federation Mondial pour le etudes sur le Futur.
He has served as President of the Asian Press Foundation, a member of the Board of Directors of the International Association for Cultural Freedom (the CIA organization), and a member of the Federation Mondial pour le tudes sur le Futur.
Piyambakipun lajeng tetep ing ajang F3 Euroseries taun 2007 saderengipun minggah dhateng ASM Formula 3 ing pundi Jamie Green, Lewis Hamilton, lan Paul di Resta saderengipun kasil menangaken ajang mau.
He then remained in the F3 Euroseries in 2007 before moving up to ASM Formula 3 where Jamie Green, Lewis Hamilton and Paul di Resta before winning the event.
Saking US$41,8 miliar utang ingkang rantamanipun dipunbayar, Argentina nyuwun kreditor, punapa dipunpathok dhedhasar kurs arta ingkang kasamekta, inggih punika peso Argentina, dolar AS, euro, utawi yen.
Of the US $ 41.8 billion in debt that the chain has paid off, Argentina asks creditors, whether it is based on the exchange rate available, namely the Argentine peso, the US dollar, the euro, or otherwise.
Nalika tanggal 20 November 1996 dibangun pabrik urea unit IV (POPKA) kang tujuane kanggo ningkatake aji tambah kanggo Amoniak sisa (Ammonia excess) lan gas CO2 kang diguwak marang atmosfer guna ngasilake produk urea granul.
On November 20, 1996 a unit IV urea plant (POPKA) was built with the aim of increasing the value of residual ammonia (Ammonia excess) and CO2 gas released into the atmosphere to produce granular urea products.
Jennings esih diwenehi kapracayan dadi pranata acara dhewekan nganti tekan taun 1966 lan diganti dening pranata acara game show, Jim Perry, nganti tekan taun 1990.
Jennings was still believed to be the sole event organizer until 1966 and was replaced by the game show organizer, Jim Perry, until 1990.
'Coba, apa panjenengan wani mantu ana ngarep omah tanpa ngundang pawang udan ana ing mangsa udan ngene iki?' pitakone Wiro Bengah setengah nggodha.
'Try, do you dare to have wedding party in front of the house without inviting the rain guard there in the rainy season like this?' Wiro Bengah's question was half tempting.