# newdoc id = en-pud-test-w01106 # sent_id = en-pud-test-w01106:s-1 # text = With population growth, new indigenous quarters were created. 1 With with ADP IN _ 3 case 3:case _ 2 population population NOUN NN Number=Sing 3 compound 3:compound _ 3 growth growth NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 obl 9:obl:with _ 4 , , PUNCT , _ 9 punct 9:punct _ 5 new new ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 7 amod 7:amod _ 6 indigenous indigenous ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 7 amod 7:amod _ 7 quarters quarter NOUN NNS Number=Plur 9 nsubj:pass 9:nsubj:pass _ 8 were be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 9 aux:pass 9:aux:pass _ 9 created create VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 0 root 0:root _ 10 . . PUNCT . _ 9 punct 9:punct _ # sent_id = en-pud-test-w01106:s-2 # text = The Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo rebels captured Lubumbashi in April 1997. 1 The the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 2 det 2:det _ 2 Alliance alliance NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 nsubj 12:nsubj _ 3 of of ADP IN _ 5 case 5:case _ 4 Democratic democratic ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 5 amod 5:amod _ 5 Forces force NOUN NNS Number=Plur 2 nmod 2:nmod:of _ 6 for for ADP IN _ 8 case 8:case _ 7 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 8 det 8:det _ 8 Liberation liberation NOUN NN Number=Sing 2 nmod 2:nmod:for _ 9 of of ADP IN _ 11 case 11:case _ 10 Congo Congo PROPN NNP Number=Sing 11 compound 11:compound _ 11 rebels rebel NOUN NNS Number=Plur 8 nmod 8:nmod:of _ 12 captured capture VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 13 Lubumbashi Lubumbashi PROPN NNP Number=Sing 12 obj 12:obj _ 14 in in ADP IN _ 15 case 15:case _ 15 April April PROPN NNP Number=Sing 12 obl 12:obl:in _ 16 1997 1997 NUM CD NumType=Card 15 nummod 15:nummod _ 17 . . PUNCT . _ 12 punct 12:punct _ # sent_id = en-pud-test-w01106:s-3 # text = The high altitude serves to cool the climate, which would otherwise be very hot. 1 The the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 3 det 3:det _ 2 high high ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 3 amod 3:amod _ 3 altitude altitude NOUN NN Number=Sing 4 nsubj 4:nsubj|6:nsubj:xsubj _ 4 serves serve VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 5 to to PART TO _ 6 mark 6:mark _ 6 cool cool VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 4 xcomp 4:xcomp _ 7 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 8 det 8:det _ 8 climate climate NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 obj 6:obj|15:nsubj _ 9 , , PUNCT , _ 8 punct 8:punct _ 10 which which PRON WDT PronType=Rel 15 nsubj 8:ref _ 11 would would AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 15 aux 15:aux _ 12 otherwise otherwise ADV RB _ 15 advmod 15:advmod _ 13 be be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 15 cop 15:cop _ 14 very very ADV RB _ 15 advmod 15:advmod _ 15 hot hot ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 8 acl:relcl 8:acl:relcl _ 16 . . PUNCT . _ 4 punct 4:punct _