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Universal Dependencies - English - EWT

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s-1 Is there any cure for mouse poison?
s-2 I found a poor little mouse walking around in my friends house, and since I was able to catch it very easily (normally mice move at the speed of light), and since it was acting unresponsive, I thought it was infected with mouse poison, since my friend uses it.
s-3 I know that the mouse will probably die, but I was wondering if there is any cure for mouse poison?
s-4 I just hate to see the poor dears experience a slow painful death that way :( .
s-5 Without knowing the exact poison, no.
s-6 A common one is arsenic and there really isn't a way to cure that.
s-7 Take the mouse to an emergency vet and have them use CO2 to put the mouse to sleep.
s-8 Or, you can put the animal in a snap trap designed for rats or mice since that is the only really humane kill method for invasive animals.
s-9 A quick cure would be Arm & Hammer to it's head.

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