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s-1 Paris or England while studying aboard?
s-2 I am going to try and study aboard but idk where I can go I cannot decide where do you think would be the best place to go?
s-3 where would you go?
s-4 I have never been anywhere out side my home town Charlotte north Carolina please help!!!!
s-5 definitely London -
s-6 you speak the language and will have more fun.
s-7 The French tend to look down on the Americans and treat them bad.
s-8 London is a deliteful city to visit and easy to get around.
s-9 You will be able to have a good time there.
s-10 %
s-11 As you're from the States you'll have much more fun in London.
s-12 Parisians dislike Americans for their lack of speaking French and proper French manners.
s-13 I was told to leave a restaurant because I ordered water with my meal (apparently this is 'washing down' your food') and not ordering wine.
s-14 You'll need to have intermediate French to have a good time in Paris.
s-15 However, outside Paris everybody is wonderful.
s-16 Nobody likes the Parisians, even then Parisians don't like Parisians.
s-17 South France is wonderful, right on the Mediterranean.
s-18 It's beautiful and the people are extremely friendly.
s-19 I used to live in London for 6 months and it's by far one of my favorite places to be in the world (I've been to 45 countries in 5 years).
s-20 Everything about the place is magical and the people are mostly friendly.
s-21 However, if you're allowed another option and you want a small-town feel, then head to Edinburgh, Scotland.
s-22 I lived there for 8 months.
s-23 If your French is good/moderate, then head to Paris without a doubt.
s-24 I also highly recommend staying with a French family.
s-25 I did this at age 13 in Champagne, France and it was the most amazing experice of my upbringing.

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