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Jednou to potká snad každého a pak sevře hlavu do dlaní a začne vzdychat - vždyť ta svatba mne zruinuje1.
Source | Form | Lemma | Tag |
manual | | jeden`1 | CnFS7---------- |
manual | | ten | PDNS1---------- |
manual | | potkat | VB-S---3P-AAP-- |
manual | | snad | TT------------- |
manual | | každý | AAMS4----1A---- |
manual | | a-1 | J^------------- |
manual | | pak | Db------------- |
manual | | sevřít | VB-S---3P-AAP-- |
manual | | hlava | NNFS4-----A---- |
manual | | do-1 | RR--2---------- |
manual | | dlaň | NNFP2-----A---- |
manual | | a-1 | J^------------- |
manual | | začít-1_^(začnout) | VB-S---3P-AAP-- |
manual | | vzdychat | Vf--------A-I-- |
manual | | - | Z:------------- |
manual | | vždyť-1 | J^------------- |
manual | | ten | PDFS1---------- |
manual | | svatba | NNFS1-----A---- |
manual | | já | PP-S4--1------- |
manual | | zruinovat | VB-S---3P-AAP-- |
manual | | . | Z:------------- |
| a | afun | Coord |
ord | 6 |
clause_number | 0 |
| potká | afun | Pred |
is_member | 1 |
ord | 3 |
clause_number | 1 |
| Jednou | afun | Adv |
ord | 1 |
clause_number | 1 |
| to | afun | Sb |
ord | 2 |
clause_number | 1 |
| snad | afun | AuxY |
ord | 4 |
clause_number | 1 |
| každého | afun | Obj |
ord | 5 |
clause_number | 1 |
| a | afun | Coord |
is_member | 1 |
ord | 12 |
clause_number | 0 |
| sevře | afun | Pred |
is_member | 1 |
ord | 8 |
clause_number | 2 |
| pak | afun | Adv |
ord | 7 |
clause_number | 2 |
| hlavu | afun | Obj |
ord | 9 |
clause_number | 2 |
| do | afun | AuxP |
ord | 10 |
clause_number | 2 |
| dlaní | afun | Adv |
ord | 11 |
clause_number | 2 |
| začne | afun | Pred |
is_member | 1 |
ord | 13 |
clause_number | 3 |
| vzdychat | afun | Obj |
ord | 14 |
clause_number | 3 |
| vždyť | afun | Coord |
ord | 16 |
clause_number | 0 |
| - | afun | AuxG |
ord | 15 |
clause_number | 0 |
| zruinuje | afun | Adv |
is_member | 1 |
ord | 20 |
clause_number | 4 |
| svatba | afun | Sb |
ord | 18 |
clause_number | 4 |
| ta | afun | Atr |
ord | 17 |
clause_number | 4 |
| mne | afun | Obj |
ord | 19 |
clause_number | 4 |
| . | afun | AuxK |
ord | 21 |
clause_number | 0 |
| a | nodetype | coap |
t_lemma | a |
functor | CONJ |
deepord | 6 |
| potká | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | potkat |
functor | PRED |
sentmod | enunc |
is_member | 1 |
gram | sempos | v |
deontmod | decl |
tense | post |
aspect | cpl |
iterativeness | it0 |
diatgram | act |
factmod | asserted |
tfa | f |
deepord | 3 |
discourse | target_node.rf | t-cmpr9410-035-p3s1w8 |
type | discourse |
start_range | 0 |
target_range | 0 |
discourse_type | preced |
src | pdit10 |
t-connectors.rf | |
val_frame.rf | v#v-w4076f1 |
| to | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | ten |
functor | ACT |
gram | sempos | n.pron.def.demon |
gender | neut |
number | sg |
tfa | t |
deepord | 1 |
coref_text | |
| Jednou | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | jeden |
functor | THO |
gram | sempos | n.quant.def |
gender | fem |
number | sg |
numertype | basic |
tfa | t |
deepord | 2 |
| snad | nodetype | atom |
t_lemma | snad |
functor | MOD |
tfa | f |
deepord | 4 |
| každého | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | který |
functor | PAT |
gram | sempos | n.pron.indef |
gender | anim |
number | sg |
indeftype | total2 |
person | 3 |
tfa | f |
deepord | 5 |
| a | nodetype | coap |
t_lemma | a |
functor | CONJ |
is_member | 1 |
deepord | 12 |
| nodetype | complex |
is_generated | 1 |
t_lemma | #PersPron |
functor | ACT |
gram | sempos | n.pron.def.pers |
gender | anim |
number | sg |
person | 3 |
politeness | basic |
tfa | t |
deepord | 7 |
coref_text | |
| sevře | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | sevřít |
functor | PRED |
sentmod | enunc |
is_member | 1 |
gram | sempos | v |
deontmod | decl |
tense | post |
aspect | cpl |
iterativeness | it0 |
diatgram | act |
factmod | asserted |
tfa | f |
deepord | 9 |
val_frame.rf | v#v-w6009f1 |
| pak | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | potom |
functor | TWHEN |
subfunctor | basic |
gram | |
tfa | t |
deepord | 8 |
| hlavu | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | hlava |
functor | PAT |
gram | sempos | n.denot |
gender | fem |
number | sg |
typgroup | single |
tfa | f |
deepord | 10 |
bridging | |
| dlaní | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | dlaň |
functor | MANN |
gram | sempos | n.denot |
gender | fem |
number | sg |
typgroup | group |
tfa | f |
deepord | 11 |
bridging | |
| začne | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | začít |
functor | PRED |
sentmod | enunc |
is_member | 1 |
gram | sempos | v |
deontmod | decl |
tense | post |
aspect | cpl |
iterativeness | it0 |
diatgram | act |
factmod | asserted |
tfa | f |
deepord | 13 |
discourse | target_node.rf | t-cmpr9410-035-p3s1w8 |
type | discourse |
start_range | 0 |
target_range | 0 |
discourse_type | conj |
src | pdit10 |
t-connectors.rf | |
val_frame.rf | v#v-w8756f1 |
| vzdychat | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | vzdychat |
functor | PAT |
gram | sempos | v |
deontmod | decl |
tense | nil |
aspect | proc |
iterativeness | it0 |
diatgram | act |
factmod | nil |
tfa | f |
deepord | 15 |
val_frame.rf | v#v-w8650f1 |
| nodetype | qcomplex |
is_generated | 1 |
t_lemma | #Cor |
functor | ACT |
tfa | t |
deepord | 14 |
coref_gram.rf | |
| zruinuje | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | zruinovat |
functor | CAUS |
gram | sempos | v |
deontmod | decl |
tense | post |
aspect | cpl |
iterativeness | it0 |
diatgram | act |
factmod | asserted |
tfa | f |
deepord | 20 |
discourse | target_node.rf | t-cmpr9410-035-p3s1w13 |
type | discourse |
start_range | 0 |
target_range | 0 |
discourse_type | reason |
src | pdt30 |
a-connectors.rf | |
t-connectors.rf | |
discourse_comment | wrongTR?-
proc je to zachycene
jinak nez prime reci? |
val_frame.rf | v#v-w9877f1 |
| vždyť | nodetype | atom |
t_lemma | vždyť |
functor | ATT |
tfa | t |
deepord | 16 |
| svatba | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | svatba |
functor | ACT |
gram | sempos | n.denot |
gender | fem |
number | sg |
typgroup | single |
tfa | c |
deepord | 18 |
| ta | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | ten |
functor | RSTR |
gram | |
tfa | t |
deepord | 17 |
| mne | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | #PersPron |
functor | PAT |
gram | sempos | n.pron.def.pers |
gender | anim |
number | sg |
person | 1 |
politeness | basic |
tfa | t |
deepord | 19 |
coref_text | |
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