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TEITOK: s-18
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NBC ještě nedávno uvažovala o nahrazení animovaných pohádek sobotní verzí pořadu "1Dnes1"1, který vyrábí stanice NBC News1.
Source | Form | Lemma | Tag |
tagger-a | | NBC-88 | BNXXX-----A---- |
tagger-a | | ještě-1 | Db------------- |
tagger-a | | dávno-1 | Dg-------1N---- |
tagger-a | | uvažovat | VpQW----R-AAI-- |
tagger-a | | o-1 | RR--6---------- |
tagger-a | | nahrazení_^(*4dit) | NNNS6-----A---- |
tagger-a | | animovaný_^(*2t) | AAFP2----1A---- |
tagger-a | | pohádka | NNFP2-----A---- |
tagger-a | | sobotní | AAFS7----1A---- |
tagger-a | | verze | NNFS7-----A---- |
tagger-a | | pořad | NNIS2-----A---- |
tagger-a | | " | Z:------------- |
tagger-a | | dnes | Db------------- |
tagger-a | | " | Z:------------- |
tagger-a | | , | Z:------------- |
tagger-a | | který | P4IS4---------- |
tagger-a | | vyrábět | VB-S---3P-AAI-- |
tagger-a | | stanice | NNFS1-----A---- |
tagger-a | | NBC-88 | BNXXX-----A---- |
tagger-a | | News-77 | F%------------- |
tagger-a | | . | Z:------------- |
| | | | | | | | | | | Dnes | afun | ExD |
is_parenthesis_root | 1 |
ord | 13 |
| |
| |
| |
deepord | 0 |
eng_sentence | NBC has on previous occasions considered replacing cartoons with a Saturday version of ``Today,'' which is produced by NBC News. |
| uvažovala | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | uvažovat |
functor | PRED |
gram | |
deepord | 5 |
val_frame.rf | v#v-w7431f1 |
| nodetype | list |
is_generated | 1 |
t_lemma | #Idph |
functor | ACT |
deepord | 2 |
coref_text | |
| NBC | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | NBC |
functor | ID |
gram | |
deepord | 1 |
| ještě | nodetype | atom |
t_lemma | ještě |
functor | RHEM |
gram | sempos | adv.denot.ngrad.nneg |
deepord | 3 |
| nedávno | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | nedávný |
functor | TWHEN |
gram | |
deepord | 4 |
| nahrazení | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | nahrazení |
functor | PAT |
gram | |
deepord | 7 |
val_frame.rf | v#v-w2019f1 |
| nodetype | complex |
is_generated | 1 |
t_lemma | #PersPron |
functor | ACT |
gram | |
deepord | 6 |
coref_text | |
| pohádek | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | pohádka |
functor | PAT |
gram | |
deepord | 9 |
| animovaných | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | animovaný |
functor | RSTR |
gram | |
deepord | 8 |
| verzí | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | verze |
functor | EFF |
gram | |
deepord | 11 |
| sobotní | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | sobotní |
functor | RSTR |
gram | |
deepord | 10 |
| pořadu | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | pořad |
functor | RSTR |
gram | |
deepord | 12 |
| nodetype | qcomplex |
is_generated | 1 |
t_lemma | #EmpVerb |
functor | ID |
deepord | 13 |
| Dnes | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | Dnes |
functor | TWHEN |
gram | sempos | adv.denot.ngrad.nneg |
deepord | 14 |
| vyrábí | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | vyrábět |
functor | RSTR |
gram | |
deepord | 16 |
val_frame.rf | v#v-w8288f1 |
| který | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | který |
functor | PAT |
gram | |
deepord | 15 |
coref_gram.rf | |
| stanice | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | stanice |
functor | ACT |
gram | |
deepord | 17 |
| nodetype | list |
is_generated | 1 |
t_lemma | #Forn |
functor | ID |
deepord | 18 |
| NBC | nodetype | fphr |
t_lemma | NBC |
functor | FPHR |
deepord | 19 |
| News | nodetype | fphr |
t_lemma | News |
functor | FPHR |
gram | |
deepord | 20 |
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